Effective Altruism and Application of Ethical Principles: An Opportunity for Education for Global Education at Universities
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This paper analyses the suitability of Effective Altruism as an ethical frame for the practices of Education for Global Citizenship in the University. According to Effective Altruism, altruistic and solidary practices should be based not only on emotional decisions, but also on a rational analysis to achieve the greatest possible impact for the benefit of third parties. Simultaneously, Universities promote Education for Global Citizenship that includes the development of competencies for the application of ethical principles focused on the improvement of the world as defined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But the breadth of development problems demands decision criteria to select those causes that can have a greater and better impact. Therefore, Effective Altruism enumerates a reasoned repertoire of decision criteria that could facilitate the application of ethical principles among university global citizenship.
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