The Space for the Sympathy laid bare in the Compassion. Reflections between Scheler and Schopenhauer on Intersubjectivity
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The study of emotional phenomena such as Sympathy and Compassion opens a path to the reflection on the possibility of Intersubjectivity. Scheler’s Phenomenology of Feelings, moving away from others phenomenological analyses on the Empathy and the Understanding of the Others as others Ego, presents Sympathy Phenomena as basic ways in which the Interpersonal Link is constituted. At the same time, this constitution sends back to a radical intersubjective encounter in the spatiality in between the psychophysical corporalities. Compassion is this kind of fundamental intersubjective encounter, which one was sharp analyzed by Schopenhauer, even if he did it within the frame of a Metaphysics of Will. An overlap between Schopenhauer and Scheler thoughts over human life of human beings gives the clue for a reflection on how the phenomenon of Sympathy between persons takes place in the intersubjective space laid bare in the compassionate link in psychophysical and corporal life.
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