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Taro Toyohira
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 39 No 2 (2020), Notes, pages 213-223
Submitted: 15-10-2019 Accepted: 03-03-2020 Published: 08-06-2020
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The present study investigates the influence of José Ortega y Gasset on the play theory of Johan Huizinga. It especially analyzes the distinction between authentic and childish play (Huizinga), sport and pastime (Ortega) and the concept of club in both authors. The club is an original community through which the playful spirit enters and intervenes in the mundane world. According to both authors, the sports spirit creates the State and all political cultural institutions through this strange type of community.

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Toyohira, T. (2017). “Theodor Lipps y el concepto de estilo en la estética orteguiana”, Revista de Estudios Orteguianos, 35, pp. 161-187.