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Pablo Bernardo Sánchez Gómez
Vol 39 No 1 (2020), Studies
Submitted: 08-03-2019 Accepted: 31-07-2019 Published: 09-12-2019
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This paper tackles the possibility of a relation between Heideggerian and Lacanian anxiety. Thus, we realize how both authors understand anxiety as the essential characteristic of human beings. Both Heidegger and Lacan state anxiety as the event where the impossible, that what cannot be depicted, shows itself in its essence. In this sense, both Heidegger and Lacan underscore that the object (which is not «an» object at all) of anxiety is the condition for the appearance of any object, that is to say, they state anxiety and that it presents as the manifestation of the real itself. However, it is from anxiety where we can realize the notable difference between both authors.
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