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Marina Hervás Muñoz
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vol 38 No 2 (2019), Studies
Submitted: 12-04-2018 Accepted: 23-07-2018 Published: 07-05-2019
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This text analyzes the importance of space and time in Th. W. Adorno’s philosophy in his late writings (some of them remain unpublished). First, it is delineated the shift that Adorno’s thought experienced from 1957, due to the H-K. Metzger’s criticism. Adorno not only reviews his posture in musicological aspects, but music leads him to reflect on the dialectical relationship between the static and the dynamic, how the tension between the sound and the image is articulated and, above all, how both elements affect a non-representative time configuration, that is, not reduced to a linear narrative. The causality and also the visual metaphors commonly used in the understanding of time are thus reconsidered. This seems to be crucial to understand among other things, his criticism of the search for invariants or the issue of the Ungegenständlichkeit in his Negative Dialektik.
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