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  • Manuel Altamirano
Manuel Altamirano
Vol 36 No 2 (2017), Studies
Submitted: 21-10-2016 Accepted: 08-02-2017 Published: 09-06-2017
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Beginning from Derrida´s distinction between writing and speech, and their unequal relationship, the logocentric tradition is defined. This tradition establishes two series of concepts, analogous to each other, accompanied by a representative function, and these series are themselves structured as mutual oppositions, and based on those two core concepts of writing and speech. Logocentrism commands a particular choice within the oppositional structure, protecting some key concepts. Taking into account the new structuralist concepts on the necessary presence of a minimum of two heterogeneous series, as exposed by Gilles Deleuze, and also considering the explanation of the passage between particularity and universality, as shown in Laclau´s hegemony theory, we show that the old oppositional logic cannot be sustained, being replaced, at an ontological level, by “the condition of aporia”.
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