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Daniel Alvaro
CONICET/Universidad de Buenos Aires-IIGG
Vol 36 No 2 (2017), Studies
Submitted: 15-06-2016 Accepted: 02-12-2016 Published: 09-06-2017
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Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot and Jean-Luc Nancy are the leading referents of the history of the debate on the question of community in France. Their respective works and the textual exchanges between each other gave rise to a singular scene of the contemporary thinking, in which some of the most significant theoretical and practical events of the recent past and present appeared interlaced. In this article, we propose to provide an overview on the development of the debate, so then inquire one by one the positions of Bataille, Blanchot and Nancy. The privileged point of view to analyze the main places of encounters and disencounters will be the difference, present in all three authors, between a political and an ontological sense of the community.
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