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Edgar Maraguat
Universitat de València
Vol 35 No 2 (2016), Studies
Submitted: 08-11-2015 Accepted: 21-12-2015 Published: 28-04-2016
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Hegel’s Science of Logic contains a refutation (Widerlegung) of Spinoza’s system on whose correct understanding depends the adequate interpretation of the philosophical point of view of Hegel’s original brand of Idealism. I stress its importance, then indicate where to look for the rebuttal in the work and finally explain in what sense has a logical character (it is neither a phenomenological nor an epistemological nor a moral or practical argument). Also, some relatively recent approaches to many of the key passages are discussed in the paper, because they have fostered confusion about the way Hegel opposes Spinozism – which really is neither Kant’s nor Fichte’s way.

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