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Enrique Santiago Mayocchi
Universidad Católica Argentina
Vol 35 No 1 (2016), Studies
Submitted: 22-12-2014 Accepted: 11-06-2015 Published: 09-11-2015
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The doctrine of the rationes seminales suggested by the Doctor of Hippo was a shelter for many thinkers, who allows to explain the generation in the physical world. Duns Scotus returns to the Augustinian thought and analyzes the postures of those who had preceded him. Develops an answer of his own which leads him to complete his doctrine of the elements and to explain the natural generation diverting the subject into an anthropological perspective towards the creation of the rational soul in a body. In this paper we analyze the different passages of Scotus’s work where this topic is deepened, and also include some references to his theory of causality in the natural world.

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