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Diego Abadi
Conicet - Universidad de Buenos Aires - Universidad Nacional de San Martín - Université Paris 8
Vol 34 No 2 (2015), Studies
Submitted: 28-08-2014 Accepted: 31-03-2015 Published: 05-05-2015
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In Difference and Repetition Deleuze intends, among other things, to give birth to a new theory of problems. The problematic, associated with other complementary notions such as Idea and virtual, will cease to be a negative moment in the subjective path to knowledge, to become an objective determination of the world. While when exposing the notion of Idea, and its three principles of determination, Deleuze uses tools that come from differential calculus, when trying to account for this new way of considering problems, it is algebra, and in particular Galois’ theory, the area of mathematics from which he extracts his insights. But if the influence of differential calculus in the theory of the Idea has already been explored in the literature of comments on Deleuze’s work, Galois’ theory has remained until now as a superficial allusion. Our intention in this text will then be to provide a reading of such a theory that helps to add some intelligibility to a fairly unexplored area of Deleuzian thought.


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