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Rodrigo Laera
Universidad de Barcelona
Vol 32 No 2 (2013), Studies
Submitted: 10-10-2013
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This paper offers a contextualist alternative to the problem of the criterion: meta-epistemological
contextualism. From this viewpoint, one can adopt a particularist or a methodical perspective according to the particular thinking context. Given that knowledge criteria vary depending on the circumstances, it could be argued that meta-epistemological contextualism Rodrigo Laera Contextualismo meta-epistemológico y el problema del criterio 102 ÁGORA (2013), Vol. 32, nº 2: 101-128 is similar to epistemic relativism. However, epistemic relativism involves no criteria hierarchy; all knowledge criteria are equally valid. Contrarily, the contextualist approach claims that knowledge is a generalization based on criteria that may be fixed for a specific context, since they have shown to be more effective than other competing criteria. Finally, the implications of applying meta-epistemological contextualism to obtain basic knowledge —i.e., easy knowledge—, in everyday contexts is discussed.
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