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Palmira Chavero
Vol 2 No 8 (2018), Essays, pages 119-128
Submitted: 24-05-2018 Accepted: 08-07-2018 Published: 20-07-2018
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One of the main lines of study in Political Communication in recent decades has been the mediatization of politics, referred to the process by which the media interfere in political life (Mazzoleni and Schulz, 1999). From this proposal, in this article we made an analysis of the relations between the media and the governments of Latin America, a relationship that is undergoing a change at the moment. If the last two decades were marked by the presence of media laws, implemented by progressive governments, today and after the return of conservative governments we witnessed an attempt to eliminate or disable those laws that regulated the market of the communication. This shows a change in the way traditional media relate to governments: if during the previous two decades there was a permanent nent confrontation between media and governments, we are now witnessing a reconciliation in which neither of the two actors harms the other. All this occurs in a context of political disaffection and a constant increase in the use of internet and social networks.

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