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Manuel Angel Corrás-Arias
Universidade da Coruña, Departamento de Economía, Campus de Elviña s/n, 15071 A Coruña, España
Vol 30 No 4 (2021), Articles, pages 1-20
Submitted: 10-01-2021 Accepted: 30-07-2021 Published: 01-12-2021
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The aim of this work is to study the degree of stability, as well as the establishment guidelines, of the foreign bank (FB) installed in Spain and its correlation with the business cycle and the volume of foreign trade. The results are detailed by legal form and show that the FB has achieved a high degree of stability for a high number of institutions, especially in the legal form of branches, and low turnover rates between entities, especially in the legal form of subsidiaries. The time series regression models reveal that the stability of the FB is associated with the degree of openness to foreign trade and, in detail, by legal form, both in subsidiaries and branches, and also with the business cycle. Lastly, the time series analysis test shows the existence of a structural change in the years 2012-2013, indicating the resilience of the FB installed in Spain to the impacts of the crisis,

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