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Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Law Volga State, University of Technology, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola
Russian Federation
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Law Volga State, University of Technology, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola
Russian Federation
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Law Volga State, University of Technology, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola
Russian Federation
Vol 27 No 2 (2018), Articles, pages 125-138
Submitted: 06-12-2018 Accepted: 06-12-2018 Published: 06-12-2018
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The purpose of the study is to identify trends and future models for the innovative
development of Russian Federation. Paper deals with the innovative development of the
leading countries of world economic growth. Particular attention is given to
«neoindustrialization» of economically developed countries and innovative nature of
clustering of economic space. The modern factors of global competitiveness and economic
content of the innovative transformation of the economy is specified. Theoretical
approaches and tendencies of innovative transformation of economy are proved. The
authors identified scientific, technological, production, spatial-territorial and institutionalmarket
aspects of innovative transformation. Paper includes the differentiation of the
States-leaders of industrial production in the context of key indicators of global
competitiveness. The transformation model of innovative economy formation is
presented, the indicators of global competitiveness of the Russian Federation are
considered. The authors propose structural and logical scheme of innovative
transformation of the national economic system of the Russian Federation is developed. A
graphic interpretation of the transformation of the economic system of the territory under
the influence of innovative development is proposed.
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