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Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Seville and Director of the Research Group of Planning and Economic Analysis Investigation
Interim Teacher at the University of Seville. Member of the Research Group of Planning and Economic Analysis Investigation. Department of Applied Economics III, Faculty of Economics and Business
Vol 26 No 1 (2017), Articles, pages 55-72
Submitted: 02-12-2017 Accepted: 02-12-2017 Published: 02-12-2017
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Purpose – This study aims to determine the export competitiveness of the Social Economy
in Andalusia, this is carried out by quantifying the export competitiveness of the
internationalized enterprises of the Social Economy in the export sector of the region.
Design/methodology/approach – The strengths and weaknesses of this business sector are
quantified and the Rasch´s Probability. It is a model used to measure the latent variable
called export competitiveness, which is defined by items (factors): size, cooperation,
number of target markets, competitive advantages, years abroad and percentage of sales
abroad. The article provides empirical evidence of 362 Andalusian export enterprises.
Findings – The results show that the export competitiveness of social enterprises reflected
their strengths as compared with other SMEs.
Originality/value – This concept paper empirically combines two different fields of
knowledge (design and behavior of companies) in the construction of the foreign trade.
This work standardizes the treatment of two descriptors scarcely discussed in the
literature: Social Enterprises and Export.
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