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Maria Betânia Parizzi Fonseca
Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Music in Early Childhood Education, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 17-27
Submitted: 21-06-2021 Accepted: 21-08-2021 Published: 19-11-2021
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This article presents fundamentals for the practice of Music Education aimed at children in the first year of life, having as reference the possible origins of human musicality (Mithen, 2009), the concepts of Communicative Musicality (Malloch and Trevarthen, 2009) and Intuitive Parenting (Papousek M., 1996), the role of intersubjectivity in mother-infant communication, and the child's sound-musical abilities from the mother's womb. These fundamentals delineated pedagogical-musical conducts that may guide music educator’s work in this period of the child's life. They are: (1) early baby exposure to a rich and diverse musical repertoire; (2) use of “live” sung and/or played music and “live” recorded music; (3) use of musical instruments and other sound sources; (4) use of sound and silence as complementary; and (5) valorization, encouragement and guidance to parents. At the end of the article, we reflect on the process experienced by babies and parents, mediated by musical experiences, and the possible implications of this process in the families - our innate musicality enhancing the eternal return.

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