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Brigite Silva
Catarina Morais
Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Music in Early Childhood Education, Miscelánea, pages 123-135
Submitted: 03-02-2021 Accepted: 21-08-2021 Published: 19-11-2021
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This article presents an exploratory study about the nature of comments on children's portfolio records at early childhood education. We investigated: the type of feedback given to the child by the adult; the comment types made by the child; how the questions made by adults, during the portfolio making process, may influence the way children comment; the way in which the adult helps the child to reflect on the questions he asks. Four categories emerged from the analysis, which are associated with the nature of the narrated content: descriptive; valuative; affective; reflective. The process of commenting records is an important stage of portfolios and this study aims to make this process more sustained and conscious.

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