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José Manuel Vázquez Lijó
Universidade da Coruña
No 15 (2006), Summaries of PHD theses
Submitted: 05-02-2013 Accepted: 05-02-2013
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The register of seamen was a system of enrolment which was used to improve labour supply for the Spanish “Armada”. The register of seamen, petty officers and vessels was comissioned to the staff from the so-called “political corps” or from the Navy Ministry. In theory, serving the “Armada” was made up for by giving certain privileges to those who enrolled (e.g. exemption from “quintas” and press for the army, navy jurisdiction, and the right more controversial: the sole right to do sea activities. This lack of real incentives added to the wage freeze and inflation rose. Wages, as well as disability allowances and widow’s pensions were paid late. This were the fundamental cause of desertions. To sum up, it was very hard to manage the register of seamen and it probably discouraged investments in fishing. They also could not manage to enrol and control all proffessional seamen nor supply enough people for the “Armada” in war time.
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