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Fátima Simón Hernández
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
No 32 (2023): Mujeres emprendedoras en el Antiguo Régimen: negociantas, empresarias, vendedoras, comerciantes..., Articles
Submitted: 07-10-2022 Accepted: 08-09-2023 Published: 25-09-2023
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This work analyses the trajectory of actress and entrepreneur Manuela Carmona (1782-circa 1831) as an example of female entrepreneurship linked to the theatre. Comparing archive, press and literary sources, it is possible to draw on the different steps in her personal and professional life, from her difficult marriage and separation to her stage as first actress and entrepreneur in the Teatro de la Cruz, and even her exile and departure from Madrid. Her case offers a significant exponent of some complex changing processes where female entrepreneurs were involved during the Ancient Regime crisis.