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Eliseo Serrano Martín
Universidad de Zaragoza
No 20 (2011): Poder, imagen, opinión pública y propaganda en la Edad Moderna, Articles
Submitted: 20-04-2012 Accepted: 20-04-2012 Published: 20-04-2012
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The kingdom of Aragon continued throughout the sixteenth century a growinginterest in character identity and their practices of power, drawing also, this soft persuasion thatis manifested in the Renaissance and Baroque festival, festivities and ritual celebrations, withtinsel, allegories, mythologies and successes, they present the total discourse of the society about itself. In this way the ceremonies that bind the monarch to the kingdom of Aragon gainingstrength in the collective imagination, particularly the “foral” oath where the symbology of thekingdom is displayed with full force. Another moment in which clearly expresses the interestof the Aragonese institutions and their members to become visible in the eyes of the monarchswith their symbols and emblems are the Royal entries and ceremonies in the royal presencethat evidence of mutual interdependence, acceptance of a ceremony and ritual prescribed andagreed upon, with a courtship procession under a canopy, “publicity” static present in thisjourney and especially in the triumphal arches and development “theatrical” with the roleplayed by unions, religions and congregations.
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