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Anastasio Santos Iglesias Blanco
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 12 (2003), Summaries of PHD theses
Submitted: 05-12-2012 Accepted: 05-12-2012
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The House of Junqueras was a manorial state from medieval age situated on the Atlantic Galicia. Its lords, who belongs to a family of the little nobility of Galicia, leagues across the matrimony with someone of the principal houses of the titled nobility from Galicia and Spain. Its patrimony was localized principally on the Peninsula of Barbanza, and it was governed and administered from the fortification of Junqueras by a steward. In the finish of Ancien Regime, according to the accounts that the steward of Junqueras maked anually, its principal ingreses originated from the collection of agrarians rents -foros and tithe-, it was very permanents in the time, -its evolution depended fundamentally of the agrarian prices- and it was given to the lords of the house for their personal necessities, discounting previously the charges that the steward must do to execute correctly this work- administrative charges, pensions and charities, alimentation, taxes and  repairs-.
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