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Julio David Muñoz Rodríguez
Universidad de Murcia
No 12 (2003), Articles
Submitted: 03-12-2012 Accepted: 03-12-2012
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This paper analizes some replies that urban Castilian nobility gave in view of mobility social processes during the second half of the Seventeenth Century. The relative decreae of the symbolical stock (privileges) was replied with a development of royal services, specially from 1665 until the finish of Spanish Succession War. This often supposes a political adaptation -integration in royalist government- and a increase of social honour -concession title of nobility-. In the case of Fontes de Albornoz, a lineage with a great influence in the whole of kingdom of Murcia, we can observe the causes which appeared so that some provincial elites of Castilian Crown employed strategies of social and political reconstruction themselves.
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