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José Martínez Millán
Instituto Universitario "La Corte en Europa" Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
No 20 (2011): Poder, imagen, opinión pública y propaganda en la Edad Moderna, Articles
Submitted: 20-04-2012 Accepted: 20-04-2012 Published: 20-04-2012
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One of the major contradictions which can be perceived in the evolution ofthe Hispanic monarchy is the definition of its Royal Household as the model of politicalorganization and royal service. The organization of the monarchy was established by CharlesV, who organized the different kingdoms under his crown, conserving the configuration andthe household of each of them. Although Charles V, and above all Philip II, served themselvesof the Castilians, and settled in Castile to govern all the kingdoms and territories of such a vastmonarchy, it was the Burgundian household (which was the one of the dynasty) that was taken as the official one, and not the Castilian. This contradiction became clearer when the territorieswhere this household came from, gained independence from the monarchy. Surprisingly, alsothe new dynasty of the Bourbons took it as the Household of the Hispanic monarchy.
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