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Rafael Cerro Nargáez
Universitat de Barcelona
No 15 (2006), Articles
Submitted: 30-11-2012 Accepted: 30-11-2012
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The Decree of the Nueva Planta, expedite by the king Philip V (1716), articulated in Catalonia a new corregimiento with capital in Vic, and integrate for the juridical district -veguerías antiques- of Vic and Camprodón respective. Our obective, in this article, was study the sociological profile and professional of the alcaldes mayores or liutemants of corregidor during XVIII century; Hill the final crisis of the Antique Regime. This corregimiento had eighteen alcaldes mayores in Vic, and fourteen in Camprodón, too subdelegation of the Intendancy. Theirs principals responsabilitates were counsel in civil and criminal justicia to the corregidores and militaries governors, and presided the ayuntamiento of regidores during theirs absences. In definitive our objective was know better this royals officilas individuality, that gamed, in Catalonia, an important paper political and juridical during the period of study selectionate.
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