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Antonio Jiménez Estrella
Universidad de Granada
No 18 (2009), Articles
Submitted: 30-11-2012 Accepted: 30-11-2012
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After conquering the ancient Nashri kingdom of Granada, Don Iñigo López de Mendoza was appointed governor of the Alhambra fortress and general captain of the kingdom, which entailed great military, judicial, political and fiscal powers. The Mendoza family then controlled the Capitanía General and consolidated their leadership in the kingdom for almost eighty years. That privileged position came to an end due to the moorish rebellion, after which they disappeared from the grenadine political scene. This article analyses the Mendozas´ establishment and power consolidation process during the referred period. We analyse the way they consolidated their political position by making an extensive network of patronage in the kingdom, although their lands and domains were far from the Kingdom of Granada. We also explain the Mendozas´ inclusion in the powerful network of patronage of Francisco de los Cobos. Finally, we examine how war and rebellion contributed to their political decline.
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