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María Cecilia Mercado Herrera
Universidad Nacional de Salta. GREDES Argentina
No 13 (2004), Articles
Submitted: 28-11-2012 Accepted: 28-11-2012
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This research shows data about the groups of individuals that appear in the nominative lists (L.N.) of the latinoamerican colonial past. In this case the research is about the groups of the Curato de Javi, Santa Catalina, Rinconada y Cochinoca in 1779. They were basically native populations, whre there were groups of mestizos and mulattos, which were found in the territory of the Marquesado de Tojo (or de Yavi). This territory belongs now to the province of Jujuy in the northeast of Argentina. These groups are here temporarily mentioned as "residental-familiar groups" (GFR), which is an intermediate notion between those of family and home but perhaps closer to the latte. The most common GFR was that of the couple plus their children, then the couples which did not have children, and they both together represented the two third of the total of the groups. The unipersonal GFR represented a small portion. The size of the GFR that are showed in these lists are the same as those showed in the europeans lists of that time, between 3.5 and 4.3 according to the Curato.
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