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Isidro Dubert García
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 17 (2008): El comercio en la España del Antiguo Régimen, Articles
Submitted: 25-11-2012 Accepted: 25-11-2012
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This paper looks at the effects of the centralization and the hierarchical organization of ports and harbours, which were started in the mid XVIII century and later ratified with the foundation of the “Real Consulado de Comercio de A Coruña” (the Royal Consulate of Commerce in Corunna), on the subsequent commercial development of coastal Galicia in 1785. The ups and downs in daily commerce with respect to both commerce and shipping in the whole of Galicia, as well as to the main ports on its southern and northern Atlantic coast are also considered. The main factors behind the functioning of the coastal markets, as well as the commercial structure of one of the most important coastal enclaves
in south-west Galicia are studied in a geographical context. Finally, the paper analyses the impact and consequences of maritime commerce on the evolution of the Galician economy and society during the XVIII and XIX centuries.
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