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María del Carmen Saavedra Vázquez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 17 (2008): El comercio en la España del Antiguo Régimen, Articles
Submitted: 25-11-2012 Accepted: 25-11-2012
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This essay has as objective the approach to the commerce of Baiona in second half of the 16th century, a locality characterized by its important mercantile activity and its privileged condition, when being one of both Galician ports authorized to act like center of foreign hiring in the kingdom. For that reason the analysis is centered in the marine commerce and the position of the foreigners in the local commercial framework. Using like main archive resources the notarial protocols, some fiscal sources and the municipal acts of the time, the article review three fundamental questions: the regulation of the mercantile activity in the local scope, the characteristics of the marine traffics and the fiscal manifestations of the Baiona´s commercial conjuncture.
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