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Eduardo de Mesa Gallego
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
No 24 (2015): De la demografía histórica a la historia social de la población, Varia
Submitted: 24-01-2015 Accepted: 25-05-2015 Published: 04-12-2015
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From 1603 until 1639, several Irish marine companies of Irish soldiers served in the marine Tercios of the Armada del Mar Océano. This study describes the activity in which they were engaged during the consecutive reigns of Philip III and Philip IV; from sea-engagements against Barbary corsairs in the Mediterranean to amphibious operations against Dutch privateer settlements in the New World. Additionally, the author identifies who belonged to these marine companies —officers and soldiers alike— by giving their cursus honorum in detail. This reveals hitherto unpublished findings about the Irish exile community and the service they provided to the Spanish Monarchy during the first forty years of the seventeenth century.

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