No 22 (2013), Articles
Submitted: 01-04-2013
Accepted: 19-09-2013
Published: 23-09-2013
This article focusses on two main purposes. Firstly, it is aimed to reflect on the evolution of rural parishes as the subject of a historiographical study on Catalonia throughout the 20th century, by contextualizing this evolution in an appropiate manner within the Spanish and European contexts. Secondly, it is aimed to provide a synthetic and global view, from the point of view of social history, of the different roles played, specially during the 18th century, by the dense network of parishes existing in the Catalan dioceses, by the priests leading the parishes, and by the main parochial structures that contributed to the sociability of their congregations; namely, the parochial factories and brotherhoods.
priests, parishes, brotherhoods, Catalonia