Revisión taxonómica de la ictiología marina de Galicia: Clase Actinopteri (Orden Trachiniformes al Orden Tetraodontiformes)
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In this work, a taxonomic revision of Galician bony fishes (Class Actinopteri) from Order Trachiniformes to Order Tetraodontiformes is carried out through the different treaties and ichthyological publications published along history. A total of 188 species are listed, of which 5 are considered doubtful, since their presence has not been sufficiently demonstrated, or because their taxonomical status is uncertain. A revision of the literature and the scientific nomenclature used so far has allowed us to report new species for Galicia and reassign old names to new species, correcting identification errors by other authors. Order Perciformes, with 145 species, is the largest group of fishes in Galicia. It includes species of high commercial interest, such as the Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus and the common mackerel Scombrus scombrus. This list also includes the first records for Galicia of tropical affinity fishes which have moved north due to climate change in recent decades. Some of these species are the blue runner Caranx crysos, the smooth puffer Lagocephalus laevigatus, and the white grouper Epinephelus aeneus.
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