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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
  • If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
  • If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal.
    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.
  • If this sending the a section of the magazine that reviews  by even, take into account that it will have to suggest three names of experts (use Comments to the publishing), always that these did not take part by no means in the manufacture of the work, no read it previously and do not keep with the author a type of relation that can do depend the result of the evaluation of criteria that are not strictly scientific.


The text of the work must be written with the usual word processors compatible with a PC type computer (preferably Word or a compatible programme), in A4 page format, double spaced, page numbered, and with wide margins (3 cm).

Articles will not exceed 6000 words in the text or 25 printed pages (figures and tables included). Exceptionally, and after consultation to the Editorial Committee, it will be possible to consider the publication of longer articles, such as Fauna or Flora Catalogues or Inventories of special interest. Popularisation works will not exceed 4000 words (about 8 A4 pages with a 12 font).

The language of the articles can be Spanish, English or Galician, but table, picture and figure captions, as well as the keywords, will be additionally written in English when this is not the language of the manuscript. Pages will be numbered consecutively, with the first page corresponding to the title and author(s) of the work, the second one to the abstract, the following ones to the text, and, finally, those corresponding to tables, figures, photographs and their respective captions.

If the works have tables, these will be placed after the text, with each table on a separate page, they will be consecutively numbered according to the order in which they are mentioned in the text, and they will have a brief but sufficiently informative title. Graphics and figures must be attached independently, never inserted into the text. In the text, page and paragraph formats must be deleted (forced page breaks, indentation, and so on), while character formats must be kept (italics, bold type, and so on). Citation of authors’ names in the main body of the text and in the bibliography must be done in capitals.

Title. It must be brief but informative. It will appear on the first page of the manuscript in the language used in the text, and it will be additionally written in English when English is not the language of the manuscript, or additionally written in Spanish or Galician when English is the language of the manuscript. If it involves the generic or specific name of an organism, its taxonomic position must be indicated. An abbreviated title, no longer than 10 words, will also be indicated, this being the title which will be used in the page header. The title will be accompanied by the author or authors’ name and full postal address, with explicit mention of the author who is responsible for correspondence.


Abstract. No longer than 200 words, it must be concise, indicating the work’s main results and conclusions. It will appear at the beginning of the work in the language used in the text, and it will be additionally written in English when English is not the language of the manuscript, or additionally written in Spanish or Galician when English is the language of the manuscript. Together with the abstract, between 3 and 10 keywords will be provided to facilitate computerised processing and give a quick idea of the work’s content.

Text. The author(s) must try and give it the following structure: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and Bibliographic references, except in the case of brief notes, recensions and popularisation works. Symbols, units and nomenclature will be in accordance with international use and norms. Latin genus and species names must be italicised, and at least their first mention in the text will be accompanied by the name of hte author. However, if a list or table with all the taxons is provided, making these data appear in the list or table will suffice. In any case, the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature norms and the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants norms will be strictly respected, and the recommendations of these codes followed where possible.

For details concerning location of text headings and subheadings, as well as typeface, the last issues published should be consulted.

Bibliographic references. In references to authors appearing in the bibliography, please use the surname followed by the publication date of the work that is referred to, with or without the page(s), for instance: (Clemente, 1807:322) or Clemente (1807), Pérès (1967 a, b), Parke & Dixon (1976). The expression et al. must be used in references to works signed by more than two authors.

The bibliography must include only the works cited in  the text, ordered alphabetically by authors’ names and chronologically for cases where a given author has several works. The full citation will be done in the following order: surname and initial letter of name of author(s). Publication date (in brackets). Full title of the work. Full name of journal (in italics), followed by series, number of volume, issue and pages. Titles of books must be in italics and followed by the number of volume (where applicable), publishing company and place and number of pages.

Tables and charts. To do them, please use tabulators, never blank spaces. They will be double-spaced, they will have no vertical lines, and they will be numbered consecutively with Roman characters. They will bear a concise heading, as well as those footnotes necessary to explain the symbols used and the information needed. They will be located on numbered pages separately after the bibliographic references. They may be one column wide (76 mm) or two columns wide (160 mm) and they will not exceed 20 columns, except in special cases authorised by the editors. They will be referred to in the text (Table I, Table II, and so on), indicating their desired location.


Artwork will be presented in a computer medium with formats compatible with Adobe Photoshop or any standard picture format (preferably TIFF or JPEG). They will be prepared in such a way that they can be reproduced in one text column (76 mm) or in two text columns (160 mm), the author having the obligation to include in them as many letters, numbers or symbols as convenient, so that, if a reduction is necessary, the final letter and number size is at least 3 mm.

Graphs, drawings and photographs (with no framing) will be consecutively numbered in Arabic characters and will be sequentially referred to in the text, as in: (Fig. 1), (Figs. 1, 2), (Figs. 1-3), and so on. Captions, where terms, abbreviations and symbols must correspond to those used in the text, will be presented together, double-spaced, on (a) separate page(s).

The maximum size for a figure or group of figures (with caption) which occupies a full page of the journal will be 21 x 16 cm; if the original material exceeds this, it will have to do it in a proportional way. Drawings and photographs can be grouped in pictures whose maximum size equals the size of one page of the journal. Drawings must be done in black ink or laser printing and they must have a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi; for photographs, a minimum resolution of 500 dpi is required. If scales are included, the reference to size must be done by means of a bar, not by using a multiplying factor.

Proofs and offprints

Proofs. Proofs will be carefully revised by authors, who will make the minimum required changes, will correct printing errors and will return them within one week from the date of receipt. Delay in returning proofs can cause a delay in the work’s publication.

Offprints. Authors will be provided with a .pdf format file of their work free of charge.