Nova Acta Científica Compostelana (Bioloxía) is an annually published journal which publishes original and unpublished research works, in the form of articles and notes, in animal and vegetal biodiversity and ecology.
Furthermore, the journal publishes, in the corresponding sections, popularisation works, book recensions and all the scientific news which the Editorial Committee thinks of interest. The popularisation works do not necessarily have to stick to the aforementioned scientific fields; they can also fall under other scientific specialties, preferably related to the scope of biology.
The journal, of annual periodicity, is indexed in Agris, Biosis Preview, Zoological Records, ESCI, Algology Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts (Microbiology C) (Selectivo), Biological Sciences (Selectivo), Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (Selectivo), Water Resources Abstracts (Online) (Selectivo), Inter. Inform. System for the Agricult. Sciences and Techonology (Italia), Fuente Academica Premier, TOC Premier, ICYT, DIALNET, COMPLUDOC, REDIB.

Saxicolous lichens of the genus Caloplaca s.l. from the Iberian Peninsula in river habitats

  • Carlos Pérez Valcárcel
  • María Eugenia López de Silanes Vázquez
Published 03-03-2024

Species of the genera Athallia, Blastenia, Calogaya, Caloplaca, Flavoplaca, Gyalolechia, Kuettlingeria, Pyrenodesmia, Rufoplaca, Sanguineodiscus, Variospora, and Xanthocarpia, of the family Teloschistaceae, formerly all belonging to the genus Caloplaca s.l, of aquatic environments with greater or lesser resistance to immersion, are studied. All of them with scarce presence in papers on this type of habitats.

We intend to better know its ecology by studying the enclosed species considered as indicative for the different zones of these environments.

The specimens were collected in beds and margins of rivers and streams, belonging to 41 localities of the Iberian Peninsula, 36 Spanish and 5 Portuguese. Twenty species were obtained in these environments, thirteen of which resist well the immersion, while seven are episodic or accidentally submerged. Pyrenodesmia micromontana and Xanthocarpia diffusa are new records for the Iberian Peninsula. A key of determination, based on morphological characteristics, is also proposed.

New locality in the Iberian Peninsula for the endangered liverwort Lepidozia cupressina (Sw.) Lindenb. (Marchantiopsida, Lophoziaceae)

  • Xosé Ignacio González Martínez
  • Marta Pego Niño
Published 24-04-2024

Lepidozia cupressina (Sw.) Lindenb. is a threatened bryophyte in the Iberian Peninsula, where it is listed as Endangered. Only three very small populations are known in the  northern extreme of the Peninsula, making this species more susceptible to local extinctions. Under these circumstances, we report a new locality in Galicia and provide data on its ecology and abundance.

Vol 30 (2023)

Published: 2024-04-24

Table of contents

Bird communities after 37 years in a rural area of NW Spain

  • María Losada
  • Luis Salaverri
  • María Docampo
  • José Guitián
  • Mar Sobral
Published: 01-04-2023
Pages 1-17

New records of rare ferns in Galicia

  • Eva Martínez-Veiga
  • Iván Rodríguez-Buján
Published: 02-10-2023
Pages 1-11

Nuevas aportaciones a la flora vascular de humedales de Galicia

  • Maria Inmaculada Romero Bujan
  • Javier Amigo Vázquez
Published: 19-06-2023
Pages 1-8

Notes on Lichenicolous "Micarea" species in Spain and Macaronesia, with the description of two new species

  • Pieter Van Den Boom
  • Javier Etayo
  • Mª Eugenia López de Silanes
Published: 29-05-2023
Pages 1-7
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