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César Cansino
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
José Faustino Pérez Morales
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Vol 1 (2015), Articles
Submitted: 18-09-2015 Accepted: 18-09-2015 Published: 18-09-2015
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In recent times we have seen in a handful of democratic nations the formation of very unusual partisan alliances and, therefore, have taken experts by surprise. It is electoral alliances between ideologically contrasting parties or antagonistic, ie alliances between parties that move in opposite ends of the existing ideological spectrum in a national context and hardly share anything with each other unless the ambition to conquer or maintain the power at all costs. The aim of this article is to offer some persuasive explanations of this phenomenon, ie the factors that make the APIIs electorally viable, for which we will focus on the recent case of Mexico.
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