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Samuel Nión Álvarez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 37 (2018), Articles
Submitted: 06-06-2018 Published: 08-07-2019
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Roman ocupation in the historic centre of A Coruña has been a matter of interest from the galician researchers during the last decades of the twentieth century. A demonstration of that would be the publication of several archaeological synthesis and historical aproximations with manifold points of view (NAVEIRO LÓPEZ 1988; BELLO DIÉGUEZ 1991; BELLO DIÉGUEZ e VÁZQUEZ GÓMEZ 1994; PÉREZ LOSADA 2002; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA 2003, LÓPEZ PÉREZ 2004; among others). However, the researching has not been so sharp in the last years, concurring, paradoxically, with the hugest number of archaeological works in the history of A Coruña. Thus, this considerable amount of archaeological information were not analyzed or interpretated as a whole, neither the state of the research were been actualized.

With the aim to solve this gap on the research, a review of this twenty last years of archaeology will be proposed. This paper will not focus on the entire municipal term, but also in the place which was occupied by the old settlement of Brigantium. The main objectives are two: to draft an archaeological synthesis that allows the divulgation of this last decades of archaeological works, and to update the current state of the reasearch about Brigantium, its “urban” framework and the social processes which weighed in its development.

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