As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal. The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.
Author Guidelines
1. Works which cannot have been previously published, will be submitted to the journal via the Open Journal System (OJS) platform rev{USC}.
2. The journal, published annually, admits original works about prehistory, archaeology and classical antiquity. The deadline for submissions is towards the end of Abril. Papers for both sections "Articles" and "Archaeological news from Galicia and the NW Iberian Peninsula" will be firstly examined by members of the Editorial Board or the Scientific Council and subsequently sent for evaluation to experts designated by GALLAECIA. The final acceptance may involve, depending on the assessment, the modification of content or the formal structure of the article. GALLAECIA is not to be held responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors in their papers.
3. Contributions, depending on the section they belong to, shall not exceed the following limits (including notes and bibliography):
“Articles”: 12,000 words maximum; graphic section: maximum 20 figures. The publication of those originals which do not comply with these limits will be assessed in each case by the Editorial Board.
“Archaeological newsletter of Galicia and the NW Iberian Peninsula”: 6,000 words maximum; graphic section: maximum 6 figures. The publication of those originals which do not comply with these limits will be assessed in each case by the editorial board.
“Books Reviews”: 2.000 words maximum.
4. Papers can be written in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, English and French. Papers written in German or Italian can be exceptionally admitted for publication if the Editorial Board so considers from the assessment of the quality of the work. With the exception of the "Books Reviews", papers will be submitted anonymously, without any mention of authorship, and with the utmost care to preserve the anonymity of the author or authors. A separate sheet will be provided with the submission including the following: details about authorship (name of the author or authors, scientific affiliation, postal and electronic address), the title in the same language as the text, with a translation into English or French; an Abstract (8 lines maximum), and Keywords in the same language as the text with a translation into English or French. That sheet shall also indicate the submission date and, in case of being accepted for publication, the date of its final version.
5. Texts will be double-spaced and submitted in compatible software (MSWord, WP or RTF format convertible), with no format, pagination, headers, footers, or special margins - i.e. general codes format, etc.- or any other addition.
6. Graphics must be separately sent in individual and numbered files; such numbering must match the references to each illustration in the text of the work. The images must have a resolution of 300 dpi. Its publication, even if the original images are coloured, always will be in Black and White..
7. Quotes should be made in the Harvard system as follows: author, year and page if needed (AUTHOR, year: pag). Footnotes will be placed at the end of text, consecutively numbered and must be kept to a minimum,.
NB: It is mandatory to provide the DOI as a URL link for all bibliography items that have one. You can check Link References service to find out whether a given document has a DOI, and what it is if it has one. An example of a bibliography entry for an article with a DOI is:
Bibliography will be at the end of the text, alphabetically ordered and adapted to the following guidelines:
· Books:
Last name and initial of the author. (IN CAPITALS).
Year of publication in brackets.
Title of the book in italics.
City of publication .
Example: LAST NAME, N. 1997. Títle. Santiago.
· Papers:
Last name and initial of the author. (IN CAPITALS).
Year of publication in brackets.
Title of the paper in "quotes".
Title of journal in italics.
Volume number.
Example: LAST NAME, N. 1997. “Title of the paper”, Gallaecia, 15, pp. 1-20.
· Papers in collective works, chapters of books, communications or presentations at Conferences:
Last name and initial of the author. (IN CAPITALS).
Year of publication in parentheses. – Title of the paper / chapter / communication / presentation in “quotes”.
If applicable: Name (-s) of the Editor (-s), Coordinator (-s): according to model: name initials and full surname.
Title of the Book / Congress proceedings in italics.
If Congress proceedings: place and date of the Congress (in parentheses).
City of publication .
Paper / chapter / communication / presentation pages.
Example: LAST NAME, N. 2003. “Title of communication”. In N. Last Name (ed.). Title. Congress Proceedings. Place and date (if Congress). Place of issue, pages.
Books Reviews:
The book details will be in bold.
Last name and initial of the author (IN CAPITALS).
Title of the book in italics .
Publisher, place of publication and year.
Pages, mention of illustrations, maps,... (if applicable).
In normal font, name and surname of the author of the review.
Ejemplo: LAST NAME, N.; Title. Publisher, place of publication, year. 500 p., ills. ISBN. Name and Last Name.
9. Authors will receive a PDF file with their article. .
11. The final admission of submissions is conditioned to the effective enforcement of these rules.
Copyright Notice
When publishing in Gallaecia, the author/authors cedes/cede all the exploitation rights of his/her/their article (including distribution, public communication, reproduction and transformation) to the University of Santiago de Compostela, which, under the conditions and within the restrictions stated in the legislation on intellectual property, is the holder of the copyright and, therefore, of all the patrimonial rights expressed, while the author/authors maintain all the moral rights corresponding to them by the law (art. 14 TRLPI).
Not withstanding the above considerations, all contents of this edition, except where otherwise noted, are distributed open access under a Creative Commons BY NC ND 4.0 international license. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of this work not included under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license can only be carried out with the express authorization of the copyright holder, save where otherwise provided by the law. You can access the full text of the license at