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Jacobo Dopico Gómez-Aller
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Vol 45 (2024), Articles, pages 1-26
Submitted: 12-03-2024 Accepted: 26-04-2024 Published: 16-11-2024
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In judicial decisions on burglary by forcing safes, closets or other closed objects, we find a surprising statement: that for the burglary to be consummated it is not necessary for the active subject to actually carry out vis in rebus, but that it is sufficient for him to remove the receptacle containing the thing, provided that on the subjective level he has the intention to subsequently force said receptacle (i.e. that consummation here does not require to carry out all the elements of the crime, but that it is sufficient to carry out some of them if there is an intention to carry out the others: what this line calls "subjectively anticipated consummation of the crime". This interpretation lacks support in current positive law. To understand its origin it is necessary to consider two factors: on the one hand, the historical evolution of the offence of burglary. On the other hand, a malpractice in the motivation of sentences consisting of an abusive or inadequate use of the "copy-paste precedent", which in this case has led to a clear deviation from the provisions of the Criminal Code. The article concludes with some additional considerations on this malpractice and the need to reverse it.

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