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Carolina Villacampa Estiarte
Catedrática de Derecho Penal. Departamento de Derecho. Facultad de Derecho y Economía. Universitat de Lleida
Vol 43 (2023), Articles, pages 1-43
Submitted: 04-02-2023 Accepted: 03-03-2023 Published: 15-05-2023
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Honour-based violence is one of the forms of violence against women which, according to the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention, must be addressed holistically by the States parties. Such an approach involves not only the criminal prosecution of these behaviours, but also their prevention and, above all, the protection of their victims. This paper analyses conceptually, phenomenologically, and legally this manifestation of violence in an international and comparative context, and then moves on to the reality in Spain. After the description of the situation in this country, it is confirmed that the approach to honour violence is incomplete in the legal, institutional, and academic spheres. The paper concludes by affirming the convenience of its phenomenological analysis together with a systematic study of the most appropriate legal and institutional responses to tackle it in Spain.