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Paz Mercedes De la Cuesta Aguado
Catedrática de Derecho penal Universidad de Cantabria
Vol 42 (2022), Articles, pages 1-16
Submitted: 27-08-2022 Accepted: 08-12-2022 Published: 28-12-2022
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Accepting that the typical structure of art. 305.1 CP does not fit the paradigm of “domain crimes”, it is suggested to convert the purpose of redistribution of wealth, typical of the tax systems of democratic and social States -such as the one designed by our Constitution- in the reason that legitimizes the criminal intervention. This legitimizing reason allows to configure the crime contained in art. 305.1 CP as a crime of infraction of duty, in which the performance of the typical conduct (fraud in its different forms) meets the type without it being necessary to prove the damage to the Public Treasury (as a naturalistic result) and allows explaining the introduction of a minimum limit to the amount defrauded and the mitigating and aggravating factors specific to the amount. In addition, this legitimating reason also serves to limit the Ius puniendi, thereby overcoming the theoretical objections to the crimes of breach of duty in relation to the tax crime.

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