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Estela María Buezas Jamardo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 33 (2024), Notes, pages 1-23
Submitted: 29-04-2024 Accepted: 12-09-2024 Published: 06-03-2025
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the criminal protection offered to the prestige of institutions. To do so, it will focus on the analysis of the seriousness element of the crime of serious insult to the Law enforcement agencies of Article 504.2 PC with a detailed study of the casuistry resolved by our Courts as the crime to be analyzed leaves in their hands the graduation of the behaviors as "serious" for these to suppose its commission. Likewise, the doctrine referring to slander is used in order to clarify the rest of the elements that must be present in order to consider its commission. In addition, a brief study is made on the hate crime with emphasis on the passive subject of the same as well as on the seriousness element of the crime of insults of art. 208 C.P. to complete the examination of the criminal protection of the prestige of the institutions.