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Alexandre Pazos Pérez
Universidad de Vigo
Vol 21 No 2 (2012), Studies and notess
Submitted: 24-01-2013 Accepted: 24-01-2013
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It is very important to differentiate the paid employment from the self-employment and defining specific characteristics self-employment. In this regard, it is noteworthy to point that self-employed worker bear the economic risks and it is responsible for the organization of the business, having to provide their own means, not having a fixed schedule and is not subject to a subordination. On the other hand, it is also necessary to distinguish between the self-employed and the TRADE as the Law 20/2007 of 11 July on the status of self-employment, regulates the figure of the TRADEs, which are a group of professionals are situated halfway between the self-employed and employees. The TRADE is a true self-employed which operates with a strong economic dependence on an employer who hires him, and has a special legal status that tends to be closer to the protection levels given to regular employees under the General Labor Regime.

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