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Luis Horacio Franco Gaviria
Universidad Libre de Colombia seccional Cali
Vol 30 No 2 (2021), Studies
Submitted: 30-11-2020 Accepted: 07-11-2021 Published: 31-12-2021
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The main objective of this article is to recognize the human condition of the migrant subject, giving him a voice to speak from his own narrative. To do this we will focus on some philosophical notions such as freedom and dignity, focusing on the human phenomenon far, for now, from the figures that have been used to stigmatize international migration. The analysis of some philosophical texts and critical hermeneutics will be the methodological axis that will allow us to contextualize and relate moral philosophy with migrations. As a result, it is hoped to realize the importance of moral philosophy in migratory studies for the humanization of a phenomenon that is neither a threat nor an opportunity; it is, above all, a reality that invites us to think about more dynamic societies. One of the conclusions to which we will arrive will be that the intensification of migratory flows is the result of the social, economic and political crisis in many states and not of the migrants who with their steps build the stage to redefine the concept of citizenship and rights humans.