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Margarita Barral Martínez
Dra. europea en Historia Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 21 No 1 (2012), Commentaries and reports
Submitted: 11-09-2012 Accepted: 11-09-2012
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The social and political approach applied to the bibliographical study of the figure ofthe politician Eugenio Montero Ríos which we conducted for our doctoral degree hasallowed us to attain two objectives: (a) to present a historical account, from a global perspective, of the situation experienced in the city of Santiago de Compostela in particularand in Galician society in general in the context of the Spain of the Restoration and inthe framework of the European clientelist policies of the final stage of liberalism; and(b) to analyse the actual meaning and significance of the legal provisions promoted bythis dignitary as politician of Laws in the stage of the Democratic Six-Year Period, whichhas in turn led us to rethink the historical memory associated with this important figure,labelled a cacique in the most negative sense of the word.

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