Vol 21 No 1 (2012), Studies and notess
Submitted: 11-09-2012
Accepted: 11-09-2012
Independent Regulatory Commissions are one of the most important contribution of theAmerican Administrative Law. Nevertheless, the relationships between agencies and thePresident of the United States is still a polemic point. Myers, Humphrey´s Executor andWiener Sentences are basic to understand the evolution of the President´s powers in relationto Independent Regulatory Commisions. Nevertheless, successive presidential attemptto influence or dominate regulatory agencies continually appears during evolutionof regulation. During Clinton´s administration, one of the main objective was to takecontrol of the regulatory process, using different Executive Orders, the most importantwas the Executive Order 12866. Nowadays, there is an increase of President´s controlover the Agencies.
Independent Regulatory Commision, President of the United States, Executive Order