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Patricia Calvo López
Abogada (Iltre. Colexio de Avogados de Lugo)
Vol 25 No Ext (2016): XXX Aniversario de la Carta Europea de Autonomía Local, Extraordinario
Submitted: 18-05-2016 Accepted: 18-05-2016
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The principle of municipal autonomy in Spain has gone through a major analysis under the doctrine. The Spanish constitution dedicates only three articles to it, which don´t cover its competences and, instead, refer to the ordinary law. Moreover, there is not enough financial coverage nor appropriate mechanisms for its defense. Also, new challenges set by the laws of sustainability and rationalization and the reform of the local level creates significant difficulties for the enforcement of municipal autonomy. In this paper, we review the contributions of the scientific literature to this subject over the last thirty years, focusing on the concrete aspects to which authors have dedicated their study.
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