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Barbara Barreiros
Núcleo de Estudos de Direito das Autarquias Locais da Universidade do Minho
Vol 25 No Ext (2016): XXX Aniversario de la Carta Europea de Autonomía Local, Extraordinario
Submitted: 18-05-2016 Accepted: 18-05-2016
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In the last thirty years Professor António Cândido de Oliveira has been the main proponent of the juridical doctrine of the Local Government Law. He is the author of the referenced work about this subject and its first edition was published in 1992, titled “Direito das autarquias locais” (law of the local authorities). Through this article, based on the referred work republished in 2013, we show some of the issues in the local authority in Portugal, highlighting the features that have been advocated by the professor. We also describe the opinions expressed by Prof. José Melo Alexandrino in “Direito das Autarquias Locais – Introdução, Princípios e Regime Comum”, Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial (Vol. IV), coordinated by Prof. Paulo Otero and Prof. Pedro Gonçalves.
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