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Lien Soto
Universidad de la Habana
Vol 25 No 1 (2016), Studies and notess
Submitted: 06-11-2015 Accepted: 02-05-2016 Published: 14-06-2016
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The Guidel ines of the Economic and Social Politics of the Party and the Revolution approved in Cuba in April 2011, refers that the state company is the fundamental link of the economy, and in several guidelines is made an allusion to their social responsibility and to the necessary bond among company-territory-society; however, the regulatory framework is diffuse and there have been any works carried out in relation to the CSR, which leads us to analyze the institution from economic and social context of the country and its bond with the municipality like outstanding actors' background for the achievement of the development the country country aspires. The current work revolves on offering a series of preliminary ideas to identify the CSR of the Cuban public enterprise and to impel its development, on the base of the exam of the juridical knowledge as catalyst and lever of the local development in the country.
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