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Patricia Nieto Rojas
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Departamento de Derecho Social e Internacional Privado
Vol 24 No 2 (2015), Commentaries and reports
Submitted: 06-10-2015 Accepted: 30-10-2015 Published: 10-11-2015
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Although the scope of trade union representatives should be coincident with that of the trade unions sections they represent, the judgment object of this comment modified the previous understanding that legal test is a decision of the union the option to constitute section at company level or center level and derived from that option, to appoint the steward, with reference to one area or another. Obviously need to be matched by the scope of the section and the designation of the delegates, especially when
this is the section mandated to act as representative of the same although this agreement should allow its designation in the area that suits section.

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