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María Victoria Álvarez Buján
Investigadora Predoctoral de Derecho Procesal. Universidade de Vigo.
Vol 24 No 2 (2015), Studies and notess
Submitted: 30-09-2015 Accepted: 10-11-2015 Published: 10-11-2015
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The main purpose of this work is to carry out a critical analysis of the regulation which exists in Spain and Portugal regarding DNA evidences, as well as genetic databases, with a particular emphasis on questions of physical or legal coercion, in addition to this highlighting the latest novelties and legislative proposals to these effects, particularly in Spain. All relevant factors will be developed, taking as a starting point, the requirements imposed by the European Union in this field. Furthermore,
our principal objective will not only be to detect the advantages and disadvantages that both systems present, but also to establish a comparison between them, from which certain ideas may be proposed in order to improve the legal context regarding this matter.

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