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Rubén Iglesias Posse
Abogado. LLM (Edinburgh). DEA y doctorando en Derecho. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Vol 24 No 1 (2015), Studies and notess
Submitted: 19-04-2015 Accepted: 31-05-2015 Published: 30-06-2015
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This article aims to help to up date the terms of the undervalued discussion about the legal delimitation of the temporary reproductions made during the use and enjoyment of works in the digital enviroment, as well as to study those generated during the process of sharing files over P2P networks. In this first part we will explain what are temporary reproductions, where their fixation takes place and what is the regulatory legal framework in Spain; what is P2P technology, what are the main types of P2P file-sharing aplications and the relevant rulings on each one of them. In a second part, which will be published in Dereito too, we will analyse technical, ephemeral or intermediate reproduction.

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